Smart Ticketing

We always offer more than just an airline ticket! Aerotravel takes over and manages the entire process of airline flight reservations, handling it efficiently for your benefit.

Smart Ticketing

Even booking a flight ticket for your vacation can be complicated due to numerous schedule options and fare policies of different airlines, along with budget constraints. At the organizational level, all these variables complicate substantially flight planning, sometimes making it a mission… almost impossible!

Aerotravel consultants have the expertise and access to the necessary technology to take over the entire process of airline ticket reservations, managing it efficiently for your organization. With it, you benefit from quick bookings, optimal costs, 24/7 support, and comfort for passengers traveling for business purposes.

Corporate Tripartite Contracts

Tripartite contracts between Aerotravel, the corporate client and travel service providers, such as airlines or accommodation units, can offer you a multitude of benefits. This allows you to access preferential rates and contractual conditions tailored to the profile and the travel policy of your organization.

Transparency and Control

As Aerotravel client, you will have an increased control over the travel budget, which can be checked at any time by highlighting cost centers and generating periodic reports. This provides a clearer picture of travel trends and all financial aspects of your business traveling.

Easy Access to Loyalty Programs

Keeping track of all loyalty programs with their multiple options is often a time-consuming task. Thanks to investments in travel technology, Aerotravel consultants can maintain clear records and facilitate your access to loyalty programs of the providers. This way, you get the most out of each trip.