Benefits for Travel Managers

Aerotravel assumes a significant part of the travel manager daily workload, and thus supports you in organizing business trips for executives and specialists working with your company.

Whether analyzing travel offers and alternatives, reporting, or using online platforms, our business travel consultants respond promptly and efficiently. Moreover, our team understands the processes and the specific needs of each business and can contribute to building your company’s travel policy.

Dedicated team and Account Manager

Each corporate customer benefits from a direct and efficient business relationship with Aerotravel, through a dedicated Account Manager and a team of travel specialists.

In order to be closer to client needs, we removed most of the barriers that might interfere with you. That is why the Account Manager can be reached by the travel manager anytime and asked for a tailor-made travel solution or answer an emergency.

Complete Travel Solutions

For Aerotravel consultants, a travel solution is much more than a simple ticket reservation. When proposing a travel solution, we take into account the travel purpose, client’s special requirements, as well as a substantiated price analysis. The solution also includes pro-active travel consultancy, non-stop support during the trip, and after-project reports.

Proven Expertise

Founded in 1997, Aerotravel has an extensive expertise in business travel, which represents 75% of the business volume. Our clients acknowledge the quality and the cost-effectiveness of the travel services, while enjoying a pro-active and customer-centric attitude of Aerotravel consultants.

Flexible Technical Solutions

Aerotravel offers partially or fully automated travel solutions, adapted to the organizational culture, travel frequency, destinations, and passenger profile. Thus, you will have a very good control of your budget and travel policy.

Negotiation of Preferential Rates

Aerotravel has can negotiate special rates for different types of travel products and services, depending on volume, periods, and regularity of their purchase by the client.

Strict Confidentiality

Based on service quality and mutual trust, Aerotravel invests in long-lasting partnerships with corporate clients. Therefore, we guarantee strict confidentiality, which extends beyond personal data protection to include all aspects of our collaboration.