As a direct beneficiary of travel services, you will benefit from a dedicated travel specialist, as well as from our global travel capabilities. Whatever is the destination of your business trip, Aerotravel makes sure that each detail is taken into consideration so that you have a productive and agreeable voyage.
For us, the corporate client is not a simple “contact” or email address. Our client is an individual, with his or her own needs, preferences, and opinions. As we want to know you better and to make sure you are 100% satisfied with our travel services, we encourage a personalized business relationship, focused on client’s expectations.
When designing a travel solution, our consultants make sure that each detail is planned, anticipated, and minutely implemented. Sometimes, however, unpredictable events impeding the initial travel plan may occur. Our consultants identify and propose alternative solutions, which abide by the same quality standards and meet client’s expectations.
Aerotravel consultants offer different travel alternatives, so that the client can choose the best. As we know that sometimes clients must change their initial travel schedule, we answer requests in a timely manner, whether it is about canceling, changing, or creating a new booking.
For Aerotravel consultants, there is no “mission: impossible”. Whatever may be the corporate client’s request, our specialists design effective solutions to meet and exceed expectations.